Friday 9 December 2011

Reflection on Reservoir Dogs

I found that getting actors to do this for us was pretty hard as most people were quite unreliable and didn't just agree to it easily so a lot of persuading was needed but what would what have helped us would have been to of sorted out who our actors were before we started.

We also found the problem with timing hard with this as a member of our group kept not turning up for when we had planned to film and after adjusting the date's a few times, we finally just did it without him which solved many problems.

Another problem we occurred was that because we left our filming till the last minute, when it came down to filming it, we didn't have the props we needed, the sunglasses. I think this really showed on our piece and it didn't reflect Tarantino's work as much as we would have liked it too. I feel that from this, I learnt that I needed to plan things out more and in more time to have got these props ready.

Once we started filming this, our only other problem was that we found it hard to have a steady camera as we were following the actors as we walked backwards (we were in front of them) as many of our actors were too tall to have used a tripod on but also it wouldn't have worked if a tripod was used as we moving and then the camera still would have been a bit wonky. I think that from this I learnt that we should have better planned this out and thought about this problem before or we could have filmed from further out and then edited this on the computer's later to be a close up of the actor's face.

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